A film series designed to find loving families for youth in foster care waiting to be adopted.

All foster children need a stable home to help them grow into caring, productive and self-reliant adults.

Change A Child’s Life is a series of films of children in foster care who need permanent loving homes. The project aims to help youth in foster care present their truth and assume on active role in securing permanence for themselves. This project also enables prospective parents hear the genuine voices of youth, and hear their stories in their own words. One prospective parent wrote to us saying, ‘I could really feel the difference you are making as I watched the videos and saw faces from the state website come alive. I knew immediately how I felt about them. What a great service you are providing. Thank you.”

We have had great success with placing the children in the films in adoptive homes through airing them on Good Day LA, Huffington Post, Kidsave, LA County’s site Share your Heart as well as on our website.


The series has already helped successfully place more than 75 children in adoptive homes with its strong visual and emotional impact and has great potential to help many more.